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I wrote this piece in my Sikkim Observer in the spring of 2003. It was carried in my third book: "The Lone Warrior: Exiled in My Homeland", published in 2014:
"At this moment, the Organisation of Sikkimese Unity (OSU), whose main objective is to preserve the distinct identity of Sikkim and the Sikkimese people within the Union and within the framework of the Constitution, makes a fervent appeal to all sections of the Sikkimese people to come together, forge unity and march ahead to fight for their legitimate constitutional, democratic and human rights. 
To achieve this goal the OSU calls for formation of “Democratic Alliance” of all like-minded political and social organizations in Sikkim to lead a mass movement for restoration of the political rights of the Sikkimese people. It is through unity that we will be able to arrive at a seat formula in the Assembly which is reasonable, just and acceptable to all sections of the people, the State Government and the Centre.
We know and are deeply aware that the odds are great. The agents of division and disunity are working overtime and are actively at work for their vested interests. There is no better and effective way to frustrate their evil designs then for all of us to join hands and mobilize people power to fight against money power.
Let this hour of crisis and confusion herald the dawn of a new era in Sikkim politics. Let us all resolve to stand firm, resolute and maintain our self-respect and dignity, unity and fight on. Let those who make tall promises and yet relentlessly pursue their hidden agenda know that we are able and determined to pay any price and bear any burden to safeguard the unity and identity of the Sikkimese people. Let them know once and for all that............ We shall fight in the Assembly. We shall fight in the Parliament. We shall fight in the Court and in the Press. And if need be, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we shall fight. We shall never surrender. Never.
(Jigme N. Kazi)

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Hail Mount Hermon: A TRIBUTE
(125th Anniversary - 1895-2020)
Mount Hermon School building was inaugurated on May 26, 1926 by Lord Lytton
“One of the finest buildings in the Orient”: Lord Lytton
   “The inauguration of the new school building – which has been described as “one of the finest buildings in the Orient” – was performed by Lord Lytton, then the Governor-General of Bengal, on May 26, 1926.
   Initially, there were two institutions in the present campus – Queen’s Hill School for Girls and Bishop Fisher School for Boys. Rev. E.S. Johnson of the Thoburn Methodist Church of Calcutta became Principal of the two institutions in 1929. In 1930, the school was renamed Mount Hermon School and became a co-educational institution.
   Today, Bishop Fisher is considered as one of the Founders of the school and a House (Fisher House – yellow) has been named after him in his honour.” (Ref: Inside Sikkim: Against the Tide, Jigme N. Kazi, Gangtok, 1993.)
   Beginning from this day, May 26, 2020, a historic day for my alma mater (Mt. Hermon School), I will be posting something about the school and some notable Hermonites (alumni of the school) and alumni chapters as a Tribute to Mount Hermon School on the occasion of its 125th anniversary (1895-2020).
   In my forthcoming book: “Hail Mount Hermon: A Tribute”, I have not been able to include many aspects of the school and its alumni. I hope this endeavour will, to some extent, make up for my lapses in the book, and also encourage Hermonites to pitch in and throw more light on the subject and pay their own Tribute to MH during its 125th anniversary year (March 11, 2020 to March 11, 2021).
  That apart, it would be in the fitness of things to take note of the importance of the historic day of May 26, 1926, and honour and commemorate this special day annually as a Tribute to the school and all those who have made their valuable contributions for the establishment of this great educational institution. Hail Mt. Hermon!

(This piece is being posted in all groups of Hermonites in Facebook and also in my blog (jigmenkazisikkim.blogspot.com) and my Facebook page, 'MH Souvenir', which is being renamed: 'Hail Mount Hermon: A Tribute'.)

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(125thAnniversary - 1895-2020)
Foundation stone of school building was laid on June 5, 1924
  June 5, 1924, is a great day for Mount Hermon School and the Hermonites. The foundation of the main school building was laid on this day by the Countess of Lytton. The construction of the school, which was then called Queen’s Hill School (QHS), took about two years.
   The inauguration of the new school building was performed by Lord Lytton, then the Governor-General of Bengal, on May 26, 1926. The opening of QHS at North Point was a dream come true for the school’s Founder, Miss Emma Knowles, who died in 1924. She founded the school, then called Arcadia Girls School near Chowrasta, Darjeeling, on March 11, 1895.
   In her book, “Under the Old School Topee”, UK Hermonite Hazel (Innes) Craig, who passed away a few years back, gives a clear picture of this era:
    “Emma Knowles worked tirelessly for her school until 1915, and retired from active missionary service a few years later. Her greatest hope was to see her school established in a permanent building `before her call should come'. She died in 1924 aged 84, but she got her wish when Miss Carolyn Stahl, who became Principal in 1918, was able to write and tell her of the purchase of the Mount Hermon Estate in 1920.
    A slump in the tea industry led to the sale of the large estate belonging to the Lebong Tea Company, an ill wind which blew some good for the Methodist missionaries looking for a site for the school. The site was bought for a bargain price of Rs.50,000/- by Bishop Frederick Fisher of the Thoburn Methodist Church in Calcutta. Fred Fisher was the moving spirit behind the purchase of the site and the building of the new school. Later he was to instigate the purchase of Fernhill in 1927, which was to become the senior boys' living accommodation - again at a bargain price, a mere Rs.35,000/-.

   Cottages sprang up on the new estate and the school itself was officially opened in 1926, still called Queen's Hill and by then taking many more boys. In 1930 the school was re­named Mount Hermon School, incorporating the original Queen's Hill School for Girls and Bishop Fisher's School for Boys, eventually becoming the fully integrated co-educational boarding school that I knew in the 1940s.” (www.oldmhs.com– web page of UK alumni)
Hail Mt. Hermon! Hail Hermonites!


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We Lubricate the Wheels of Democracy  

“But our greatest strength is in the power of our ideas, which are still new in many lands. Across the world, we see them embraced and we rejoice. Our hopes, our hearts, and our hands are with those on every continent who are building democracy and freedom. Their cause is America’s cause.”
                   -          President Bill Clinton’s inaugural address
                                                                                                                                  January 21, 1993

    The content and delivery of Clinton’s inaugural speech not only fascinated me; it inspired me. For me and for Sikkim Observer and for the people of Sikkim, 1993 was a momentous year. The Observer, which was not very regular since the ransacking of its printing Press in January 1990 and refusal of local printers to print the paper in October 1991, finally ceased publication in May 1993. I was forced to resort to this measure since even printers in Siliguri refused to oblige me for fear of incurring the wrath of those in power in Sikkim.
    Press Freedom Rally in Gangtok, June 19, 1993.

    1993 marked my tenth year in journalism. I had experienced a lot in these ten years and so I decided to write a book on it. The book – “Inside Sikkim :Against the Tide” – was finally released at the Press Club of India in New Delhi in December 1993. The book (387 pages) ended rather abruptly but in retrospect the last chapter (Struggle And Triumph) was significant. The final paragraphs of the book had quotes from the address that I had delivered at the Paljor Stadium to a small gathering of local media during the rally protesting suppression of freedom of the Press in the State.
   In a written message on this historic protest rally as the President of the Sikkim Press Association on June 19, 1993, I stated: “Let me remind you today that media organizations cannot alone ensure and protect the freedom of the Press. In the final analysis, it is the people who have to come forward and provide the much-needed protection to journalists and safeguard freedom of the Press. But we as journalists, must make our stand very clear. We must stand firm and resolute in our stand. While our opinions as journalists may differ on various issues and matters, we cannot and must not allow vested interests or our own selfish motives to creep in and deprive us of the opportunity to stand erect and united on the issue of the Freedom of the Press.
   It is not how many of us are here today to support the cause of the Freedom of Press that matters; but how much faith, sincerity and dedication that we have in the righteousness of our cause…Today, we are here to lodge a symbolic protest. But if our voice is not heard and if the suppression of the Freedom of Press still continues despite the stand that we have taken here today, we must not be content with mere symbolism. We must raise a voice in every village and town in this State…We must continue to press on until ten thousand conscious citizens in Sikkim come together and raise their voice and rally support for Freedom of Press in Sikkim.”
   The quick and dramatic response of the people was beyond my wildest imagination. On June 22 and 23, just three days after our rally, thousands of pro-democracy activists under the leadership of Mr. Pawan Chamling, President of the Sikkim Democratic Front, held protest rallies in Gangtok. The SDF rally was a significant breakthrough for democratic forces in the State fighting against the dictatorial Bhandari regime. The confrontation between pro-democracy activists and the Bhandari Government in June 1993 is now being seen as a watershed in Sikkim’s contemporary political history.
   While we do not claim to be the champion of the freedom of Press and freedom of expression and movement in the State, it is important to note that both Sikkim Observer and its staff have contributed their share in restoration of democracy and decency in Sikkim. I refuse to believe that Sikkim Observerand our other publications are our only contribution in my decade and half experience in the Fourth Estate. Newspapers have a significant role to play in a small State like Sikkim. But I would like those who know me well and our readers in particular to know that what we at the Observer have tried to do is to build an Institution called the Press.
   The Press is not just journalists, papers and machines. It has to be seen essentially as one of the major pillars of democracy. While legislators in the country and the world raise emotive issues such as restoration of democracy from time to time it is the Press which lubricates the wheels of democracy day in and day out.
   Due to social and political environment in the State in the past few decades, the Press has had to shoulder the additional burden of constantly being the lone torchbearer of freedom and democracy. Recently, the former chief minister, Mr. Sanchaman Limboo, confided to me, “You are a great survivor.”
   My past experience has taught me that the art of survival is to stick to your guts. Credibility pays in the long run. We believe that we have not struggled in vain and that our ten long years of struggling and surviving will pay rich dividends to all in this part of the world in the years to come.
                                                                                                                              (Ref: Sikkim Observer, August 10, 1996)

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10thAnniversary of Sikkim ‘Press Freedom Day’
   Jigme N Kazi, President of Sikkim Federation of Working Journalists’ (SFWJ) address on the occasion of the 1st Sikkim Press Freedom Day function organized by  SFWJ in Gangtok on June 19, 2010.
(On this day, June 19, 2020, I want to share and place on record on what I said and what we did many years back on issues that are so vitally important to humanity.)
   “In May 1789, Louis XVI summoned to Versailles a full meeting of the ‘Estates General’.
The First Estate consisted of three hundred nobles. The Second Estate, three hundred clergy.
The Third Estate, six hundred commoners. Some years later, after the French Revolution, Edmund Burke, looking up at the Press Gallery of the House of Commons, said, “Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all.” (Jeffrey Archer in “The Fourth Estate”

   Respected Chief Guest, Secretary IPR, President, Press Club of Sikkim, distinguished guests, members of the Fourth Estate, and my colleagues in the Sikkim Federation of Working Journalists.
   It is our privilege and honour to have the former Chief Minister of Sikkim, Mr. B.B. Gooroong, who was not only the Press Advisor to the Chief Minister but was also a journalist once upon a time.
   When members of the local media held a protest rally to voice their concern for protection of Press Freedom in Gangtok  seventeen years ago on June 19, 1993, Mr. Gooroong came all the way down to the Paljor Stadium where we held the rally and congratulated us and gave us his support.
   Sir, you have honoured us once again and touched our hearts by being here amidst your very hectic schedule.
   If 17 years is a long time to remember what we did on this day  on that day and honour those valiant journalists who risked everything to raise their voice against suppression of the freedom of press then I believe that even after 50 years the Fourth Estate in Sikkim will remember with pride and look back on this day and what we did here today.
   By being here today to mark the 1st Sikkim Press Freedom Day  celebrations we are not just honouring those who took part in the Press Freedom Rally on June 19, 1993, we are also, once again, making our stand clear on issues and principles that guide and govern the Fourth Estate all over the world.
   Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of America, once said: “If it were left to me to decide whether we should have a government without a free press or a free press without a government, I would prefer the latter.”
   Who wouldn’t, particularly when that government is bent on suppression of free expression, particularly of Press freedom? Lets face it: the Press and the government are natural adversaries. Each has its own unique role in society.
   What is freedom without a free Press? And what is the Press without freedom? To be more precise; what is democracy without freedom, particularly Press freedom? Pansy Takula, one of the advocates of Press freedom and Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information of the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights, recently said,
   “We have reached the point where I think we need constructive dialogue with the government of this country, where maybe my office, together with media practitioners and media organizations and governments, can sit around a table and try and find each other.”
    She added, “Free press, in particular, and freedom of expression, in general (are) very important not only on the African continent, but everywhere else in the world because without free press you cannot have democracy.  You cannot have good governance.  You cannot have the rule of law.  You know, the media act as a watch dog against those who are in power.”
   In Asia, in India and in Sikkim it is time that we, the media and the authorities, sit together, sort out our differences and respect each others role in a free and democratic set-up. When the annual World Press Freedom Day, a date to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty, was observed in May 3 last month, the Fourth Estate dedicated this year’s World Press Freedom Day to the “right to know”: the right of all people, including journalists, to have access to information held by governments and other public bodies.
   The right to know is the right to ask questions to public institutions and their obligation to reply. The right to know is essential for the media and the public to enjoy true freedom of expression, protected by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since it was adopted in 1948.
    My paper, the Sikkim Observer, still has a column called “People want to know; people have a right to know.” We must all make our own contribution towards Press Freedom no matter what kind of adverse situations we may face.
  We must believe that in a democratic system the people are sovereign. The slogan, janta rajma jantai raja, must be put into practice if we are sincere in what we profess.  In a true democracy the role of the government is to serve the people and the people have the right to know and question what is done on their behalf.
   There was an emotional ceremony at the White House recently when President Obama welcomed slain journalist Daniel Pearl’s surviving family members to witness the signing of the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act. Pearl, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, was brutally murdered in Pakistan as he was following up some leads on al-Qaeda in early 2002. Four Pakistanis were convicted in Pearl’s murder in July of that year. According to the New York Times, the Freedom of the Press Act “requires the State Department to expand its scrutiny of news media restrictions and intimidation as part of its annual review of human rights in each country. Among other considerations, the department will be required to determine whether foreign governments participate in or condone violations of press freedom.”
   On this special day I would like to recall and place on record on what I said on June 19, 1993 during the Press Freedom rally held in Gangtok:
    “Let me remind you today that media-persons and media organizations cannot alone ensure and protect the freedom of the Press. In the final analysis, it is the people who have to come forward and provide the much-needed protection to journalists and safeguard freedom of the Press. But we, as journalists, must make our stand very clear. We must stand firm and resolute in our stand. While our opinions as journalists may differ on various issues and matters, we cannot and must not allow vested interests or our own selfish motives to creep in and deprive us of the opportunity to stand erect and united on the issue of the Freedom of the Press. It is not how many of us are here today to support the cause of the Freedom of the Press that matters, but how much faith, sincerity and dedication that we have in the righteousness of our cause.” (Inside Sikkim: Against the Tide, page 361, published 1993).
    My message was simple and direct: “Today, we are here to lodge a symbolic protest. But if our voice is not heard and if the suppression of the freedom of the Press still continue despite the stand that we have taken here today, we must not be content with mere symbolism. Me must raise a voice in every village and town in this State. We must raise our voice in Mangan, in Geyzing, and in Namchi (heaquarters of the three other district of Sikkim), and if need be, in Delhi, Calcutta, Madras and Bombay. We must also raise our voice in the Assembly and in the Parliament, and if need be, in other international Press forum as well. We must continue to press on until ten thousand conscious citizens in Sikkim come together and raise their voice and rally support for Freedom of the Press in Sikkim.”    
   Three days after our rally thousands of pro-democracy supporters led by Sikkim Democratic Front stormed the capital on June 22. Within less than eleven months after the rally the repressive regime in Sikkim was toppled leading to formation of a new government after the November Assembly elections in 1994.
    The local Press played a notable role in restoration of freedom, democracy, justice and rule of law in the people’s struggle for change in Sikkim.
    It is, therefore, fitting and proper that we should remember and honour those who stood their ground in times of crisis while others faltered.
    I want to thank my colleagues in the Sikkim Federation of Working Journalists and other members of the Fourth Estate for arranging this function and giving a helping hand to preserve and protect Press freedom in Sikkim.
   My final message to you comes from the words of President John F. Kennedy who said:
    “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

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(125th Anniversary - 1895-2020)
LEST WE FORGET: Old Walls Hold Memories
    Before the events of Covid 19 fades into memory we need to remember three Hermonites who died in recent months. One was my teacher (Mr. John West), one a student (Christian Pariat) and the other a friend (Robin Wason).

Mr. John Westpassed away peacefully at around 2 a.m. at his home in Darjeeling on March 11, 2020. “He passed away of acute asthmatic attack,” according to Nina (Manidira Dam) West, who was beside him when he breathed his last. Many Hermonites were present in Darjeeling on this historic day for celebrations of Mt. Hermon School’s 125th Birth Anniversary.
    Mr. West may have chosen to leave us on this special day for MH and the Hermonites. It would have been better if he left us after meeting us. But that was not to be so. We feel privileged to have attended his funeral on March 12 and pay our tribute and last respects.
   Mr. West taught us Chemistry but more than that he taught how to fight hard on the football field. Some of us, including myself, were in the school’s 1st XI Football team, with Mr. West as a very strong defender. We happy many memories of our struggles, defeats and triumphs on the football field. The highlight of my footballing career was when we defeated the Indian Army’s Gorkha XI in 1971. Most of the players of the Gorkha XI were ex-footballers of Sikkim’s Kumar Sporting, the best team in the region during that period.
   On this Fathers Day (June 21, 2020) I remember and pay respects to my teacher, teammate, and father of two of my students, Mark West and Karen West. Mr. West left MH and continued his teaching career at St. Joseph’s School. But for many Hermonites Mr.West will always be remembered as one of the main pillars of our alma mater. Rest in peace, Sir.

Robin Wasonwas one of three kids of Mrs. B. Wason, my junior school teacher in mid-sixties and one of MH’s oldest teachers from the Stewart era (1953-1963). Robin was also the younger brother of my classmate Neena (Wason) Harkness and Hermonite and college mate in Bombay, Brij Wason.

   Robin was one of my younger football fans in school along with Brij. When he was in the navy back in the early eighties he used to come to see us in Bombay. We kept in touch ever since. I was hoping to see him again in Shillong last September during Mr. Wason’s birthday. Unfortunately, I missed it. That meant that I could never see Robin again as he passed away recently, perhaps of heart attack.
Christian Pariat(in the pix he is on my left in 1976 when I fractured my left arm during a foota match at NP) was one of my favourite students in my class (4K) in 1976 (I think!). His elder brother was Hermonite Gregory Pariat. It appears that Christian, too, died of heart attack in Shillong, his hometown.

   Christian was a very friendly and lovable child. He was very fond of me as I was of him. Rest in peace, Christian and God Bless.

Old friends are loyal friends,
Friends of happy days.
Now we must say goodbye
And go dividing ways
Breathe then your benison
On me as I depart,
I'll keep your memory
Warm in my heart.

(MESSAGE: In my forthcoming book: “Hail Mount Hermon: A Tribute”, I have not been able to include many aspects of the school and its alumni. I hope this endeavour (Facebook page: Hail Mount Hermon: A TRIBUTE) will, to some extent, make up for my lapses in the book, and also encourage Hermonites to pitch in and throw more light on the subject and pay their own Tribute to MH during its 125th anniversary year (March 11, 2020 to March 11, 2021) and thereafter)

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  “It will be too late to talk about Article 371F when battle tanks roll down Nathula pass and non-Sikkimese occupy seats of power in Mintokgang (CM’s official residence) in the near future.”

   Having retreated to my small corner – the fourth estate – after quietly bidding adieu to my two-and-half-decade-long struggle to fight for the common cause of all Sikkimese I reluctantly accepted the offer to give a piece of my mind during a day-long seminar  organized in Gangtok on January 28, 2010 by an enthusiastic group of young people who work under the banner of All Sikkim Educated Self-Employed & Unemployed Association.
   The topic was “Article 371F” – a dead horse which still needed more flogging! – and many of those who were present and actively participated in the debate-cum-discussion were distinguished personalities in Sikkim’s social, political and intellectual circles.

(L to R) Jigme N Kazi, N B Bhandari, P M Subba and K N Upreti at the seminar on Art 371F in Gangtok on Jan 28, 2010

 Anti-merger veteran and former Chief Minister and President of the Sikkim unit of the Congress party, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, was there. His former Lok Sabha MP, Pahalman Subba, often regarded as the grand-old-man of Sikkim politics, who had fallen out with both Bhandari and his former colleague, the ‘Mandal Messiah’, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, was there.
   Former Minister and senior Congress leader, Kharananda Upreti, the man who accompanied Ram Chandra Poudyal during the famous hunger strike at the lawns of the Palace in early April 1973 that led to the Indian-backed agitation, which culminated in the signing of the historic 8th May Tripartite Agreement of 1973,  ultimately leading to the ‘merger’ in 1975,  was also present.
   Among the younger politicians present at the seminar were Padam Chettri, who only very recently took over the State unit of the BJP as its President, Biraj Adhikari, President of Sikkim National People’s Party (SNPP), which still demands restoration of Sikkim’s pre-merger “Associate State” status, former Communist leader and now the Convenor of Matri Bhoomi Suraksha Sanghathan, Duk Nath Nepal, and former Minister and Convenor of Sikkim Bhutia-Lepcha Apex Committee (SIBLAC), Tseten Tashi Bhutia, who is regarded as one of the few vocal leaders of the minority Bhutia-Lepcha tribals.
   Conspicuously absent from the scene were representatives of the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front, which often claims that it has restored democracy and removed fear psychosis in Sikkim after Bhandari’s dictatorial rule (1979-1994). The truth is Pawan Chamling is now faced with the same charges levelled by dissidents within his ruling elite.
   Yesteryears’ ‘revolutionary’ and one of the valiant soldiers of ‘democracy’, R C Poudyal, suddenly turned ill and failed to come! With his absence Poudyal missed a great opportunity to stand side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder with sons and daughters of Sikkim to save what is left in order to pass it on to the generations of Sikkimese yet to come.  Others were invited but fear of what may happen to them if they come chose not to grace the occasion.
   Let them live on hope and die in despair. There is no space for spineless walking corpses, who are neither black or white and who will surely fade away into nothingness, to mingle with honourable defenders of the Sikkimese cause during the time of crisis when the need of the hour for unity and solidarity – despite personal and political differences – has never been felt so much.
   Added to this unique and historic gathering representing the multi-faceted Sikkimese society were Nagrik Sangarsha Samiti Coordinator and prominent critic of the establishment and member of the old business community, Prem Goyal, Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT) activists, Gyatso Lepcha and Mayalmit Lepcha,  former District Collector, S P Subba, and former police officer, Jiwan Pradhan.
   I not only offered my heartiest congratulations to the organizers of the 10-hour-long marathon session but also salute those who spoke out their mind and warmed our hearts and hopes. Together we made history on January 28, 2010, two days before the 28th death anniversary of the late Chogyal of Sikkim, Palden Thondup Namgyal.
   I was certainly the odd man out as I did not belong to any political or non-political grouping. The organizers created the right mood for Sikkimese from all communities and from all walks of life to speak their heart out on an issue that is dear to them for a very long time. That the speakers – mindless of who they were and what positions they held – spoke eloquently and with conviction and emotion on a wide variety of subjects on the one-point theme – Article 371F – is indeed a rare treat for any viewers.
   With tears in my eyes and heart full of burden I made my stand clear. “I have no wish to dethrone anyone or help anyone to get the top job. This is mainly because I have gracefully and very reluctantly accepted the death of my dream,” I told the gathering.
  I made it plain that the casual and directionless manner in which the political leadership among the majority Sikkimese Nepalese tackled the Assembly seat issue in the past so many years led to the death of my dream of a united Sikkim, where all people live in perfect peace, harmony, freedom and prosperity and where the country’s security concerns were fully safeguarded.
   New Delhi ought to realize by now that security, particularly in Sikkim, depends on the loyalty of its people, not just territorial acquisition whether by force or consent.
I took a dig, as I often do when the opportunity arises, on those who often make the right noises but the wrong moves: “I quit everything when some of my friends and former colleagues who are educated, have some political experience and feel for Sikkim and the Sikkimese could not look beyond Chamling and Bhandari despite the pressing need to stand firm and pursue our common objectives.”
   I warned that activities of agents of division and disunity actively serving New Delhi, which seems least concerned about what is happening in Sikkim besides pumping huge amount of funds (and perhaps taking some back on the quiet) to its former Protectorate keeping the people perpetually drugged with power and money, will not only finish Sikkim and the Sikkimese people but greatly and surely endanger the country’s territorial integrity.
Didn’t I make it clear in my book, “Sikkim for Sikkimese – Distinct Identity Within the Union” (published in Feb 2009) why Sikkim is facing a crisis of our own making: “Phony revolutions led by fake revolutionaries and democrats have created a system that thrives on lies, deceit and corruption. We are all victims of the ‘democracy’ that we longed for in1973 and 1993.”
   We may blame the Centre for the gradual erosion of our special status and dilution of our distinct identity. But we, too, are responsible for failing to look after our long-term interests and live up to the hopes and aspirations of our people.
   My message during the seminar was sharp and incisive: “It will be too late to talk about Article 371F when battle tanks roll down Nathula pass and non-Sikkimese occupy seats of power in Mintokgang (CM’s official residence) in the near future.”

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             “Only dead fish go with the flow”
The Press Club of Sikkim conferred the “Khangchendzonga Kalam Puraskar 2012” award to journalist-cum-writer Jigme N Kazi at a function in Gangtok on July 17, 2012. The following is the full text of Kazi’s acceptance speech:

(L to R) IPR Secretary KS Tobgay, Chief Guest CK Shrestha, Sikkim Observer Editor Jigme N Kazi, Press Club Advisor CD Rai, Press Club General Secretary Joseph Lepcha and Press Club President Bhim Rawat at the Press Club of Sikkim function in Gangtok on July 17, 2012.

   Hon’ble Chief Guest, Secretary IPR, Press Club Advisor, Press Club President, distinguished guests and friends,
   On Receiving the Award: I feel very privileged to be here today to receive the Khangchendzonga Kalam Puraskar award from the Press Club of Sikkim on its decadal foundation year. I am told by the Press Club that it had “unanimously decided” to confer this award for my “outstanding contribution and dedication” made during the last three decades (1983-2012) in the field of journalism.
   I believe that by conferring this award to this long-time black-listed man, who is forced to live in self-imposed exile in his own homeland, the Press in Sikkim is sending a clear message to those who care to listen. And that message is loud and clear: the Press in Sikkim wants to be more free and independent and those in power and the people at large should take note of it and respect its stand.
   I enjoy doing what I do – be it eating, taking a walk or writing. I seek no reward and recognition in doing these things even if what I do benefits those around me.
   People often criticize me of being stubborn and always swimming against the tide. Let me remind them of what US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin said: “Only dead fish go with the flow.” Living with walking corpses all these years has been a very painful experience. It is better to be exiled in foreign shores than having to undergo constant suffocation at home. However, if this is the cross that I was born to bare then I must live with it whether I like it or not.
   Yes, we have more journalists and more newspapers today than when I started in this profession 30 years back. But I’m not too sure whether we are more free, objective and independent in our reporting. What is more important in life is quality, not quantity, and this also applies to the Fourth Estate, particularly when so many people depend and look up to the Press to make the right decision.
   Sikkimese Society: If we cannot uphold certain basic and fundamental values of human existence such as freedom, democracy, justice, self-respect and the rule of law we miss the opportunity that life offers to each one of us. The first indication of a society’s degeneration is when individuals live and work only for themselves. Sikkim is on the verge of being a dead and decadent society. Our constant efforts to camouflage ourselves will not work in the long run. We will be fully exposed when the time comes.
   We locals often distance ourselves from the byaparis, the business community, for encroaching into our economic and political rights and interests. Little do we realize that while they sell potatoes, tomatoes etc. we are the real byaparis. We have sold our king, our flag, our country, our distinct identity and political rights. Not content with this we are still selling our hills and valleys, our lakes and rivers, our land and people, our religion and culture, and worse of all our self-respect and dignity. Is it really worth sweating it out for such people?
   Sikkim Politics: Me and my kind have lived through this bitter period in Sikkim’s history. In our efforts to fight for the common cause we have brought down five chief ministers and made four chief ministers in the past so many years.  We did this for a good cause and without any selfish motive. We are not to be blamed if our political leadership continuously fails us and lets us down the moment they come to power.
   I took leave from the Fourth Estate at the end of the year 2000 to make my personal contribution to Sikkim politics when I was convinced that those we backed were betraying us and the issues we raised for petty considerations. Unlike many others, I could not hang around and hide myself safe and secure in a small corner when I was convinced that we were being led to a dead-end street. I left active politics after three and half years in August 2004 when I was fully convinced that I was heading nowhere and those around me were still deeply involved in petty politics. There is no future for Sikkim and the Sikkimese if our political leadership – ruling and opposition – fails to rise above mundane things and continues to mislead the people while making great promises.
   It is futile to fight for the distinct identity of Sikkim within the Union if the leaders of our larger community are not sure of who they are, whom they represent, and what they really want. Nepal’s political situation, where ethnic communities are being reduced to a minority in the land of their origin, has still not opened our eyes. This is because while our head is still not clear our heart is full of greed. When will we ever live in a place where the mind is without fear and the head is held high? When will this non-stop looting stop? Corruption has reached a point of no return. Disillusionment has set in and this seems to be irreversible. These are dangerous trends in a sensitive and strategic border State like Sikkim.
   India’s Role in Sikkim: Even if our political leadership has failed us time and again,India must live up to the expectations of the Sikkimese people. If it continues to ignore the hopes and aspirations of those who sacrificed their country so that this nation may live in peace and security there may come a day when Sikkim will become a hot-bed of international politics. We may not see that day but that day is not afar if India fails to honour its commitments made to Sikkim and the Sikkimese people during the takeover.
   The gradual dilution of our distinct identity, political rights and social harmony originates from New Delhi. The erosion of our unique and distinct cultural identity, the systematic manner in which seeds of division are sown in our social fabric, and finally the destruction caused to our fragile environment and ecology cannot and must not be easily condoned. We cannot blame our leaders only; we, too, have shamelessly become agents of division, disunity and destruction. We have sown the wind; we will surely reap the whirlwind.
   Hope and Gratitude: I’m grateful to the Press Club of Sikkim for recognizing my work and honouring me on this very special day. This is the time and the moment to renew our pledge for a strong, united, free and independent Press in the State.
   On this special day I want to remember those who have helped me in my three-decade-long career. Some of them are late Chukie Tobden, Suresh Pramar, Devraj Ranjit, Tenzing Chewang and Pema Wangchuk. I also owe a deep sense of gratitude to the Chamling Government and to those who worked or in any way associated with my printing press and publications.
   Living the way I did is a risky business and I want to say how happy and grateful I am to my wife Tsering, her parents,  and my four kids – Tashi, Yangchen, Sonam and Kunga – for letting me live my life freely and dangerously for so long.
   I hope my endeavours will light up your path and help you to bear the burden of being free and independent in a hostile climate in the days and years to come. My message to you on this day comes from Rev. Jesse Jackson: “Stand up, don’t bow! Stand up, don’t bow!”
   On Myself: French Emperor Napoleon Bonarpate (1769-1821) once said: “There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
   I have already said “I have accepted the death of my dreams” a few years back and I stand by it.
   However, I have filed my petition in the court of Khangchendzonga, Sikkim’s Guardian Deity, to seek justice – for Sikkim, the Sikkimese people and for myself. I am still patiently waiting for the verdict. That this award should come at this time and in the name of our Presiding Deity is not only very auspicious but meaningful as well.
   Thank you all, both for this wonderful award and your determination to preserve the integrity, independence and freedom of the Press in Sikkim. (Full text published in Sikkim Observer, July 21, 2012)

Article 0



OSU favours ST status for all Sikkimese


   Though it has not yet taken a formal decision on the issue, the Organisation of Sikkimese Unity (OSU) has taken a serious note of the demand for Scheduled Tribes status to all bonafide Sikkimese belonging to the three ethnic communities in the State who were genuine subjects of the erstwhile kingdom.

   Presently, only the minority Bhutia-Lepchas have been enlisted in the Scheduled Tribes list as per the Scheduled Tribes Order of 1978.  The inclusion of all former ‘Sikkim Subjects’ belonging to the three ethnic groups of Lepchas, Bhutias and Nepalese in the State’s ST list will not only ensure peace, unity and harmony in the State but will also go a long way in improving the economic and educational welfare of bonafide Sikkimese.

   The division among Sikkimese Nepalese on caste lines not only affects political stability in the State but also endangers national security in this sensitive region. The need to restore peace, harmony and unity along the Sikkimese is the need of the day. The OSU believes that forces of disunity will hamper preservation of Sikkim’s ‘distinct identity within the Union.’

   Though the OSU favours ST status to all bonafide Sikkimese, irrespective of caste and community, it is firm on political rights concerning restoration of Assembly seats to the Sikkimese. While the OSU may prefer economic benefits and facilities to be enjoyed by all STs in the State it wants seats in the Assembly to be reserved solely for the Sikkimese on the basis of them belonging to the three ethnic groups and not on the basis of them being scheduled tribes. This is aimed at preserving the distinct identity of the Sikkimese as per the terms of the merger and Article 371F of the Constitution, which reflects provisions of the May 8 Tripartite Agreement of 1973 and Government of Sikkim Act of 1974.

   The Sikkim Newar Guthi (SNG), headed by the former Chief Secretary, Keshav Chandra Pradhan, as its President, recently urged the Sikkim Bhutia-Lepcha Apex Committee (SIBLAC) to demand inclusion of all Sikkimese in the list of Scheduled Tribes in the State. Pradhan believes that declaration of all Sikkimese in the list of STs in the State will “reweave the fine Sikkimese fabric and bring about a trust, amity and goodwill among all sections of the community so vital in this sensitive border State.”

   In his letter, dated Sept 6 1999, to the SIBLAC Convenor, Pradhan pointed out that mutual trust and harmony in the State “was in fact the basic spirit and objective behind the Article 371F when it was initially framed.” Though the SIBLAC has not yet responded to the Guthi’s initiative the OSU has taken the matter seriously and will soon take a firm decision on this issue. It must be noted that while other social organizations kept mum, choosing to take sides with political parties during the recent elections, the Guthi took a principled stand and openly supported SIBLAC’s demand for restoration of the political rights of the minority Bhutia-Lepchas in the State.

   In response to the appeal made by SIBLAC on the seat issue, OSU leaders helped to form the Sikkimese Nepalese Apex Committee (SNAC). The OSU feels that the seat issue should now be fought jointly by both the minority and majority communities.

(Ref: Sikkim Observer, October 30, 1999.)

Article 0




Merger ‘illegal’: Khatiwada

Khatiwada and Kazi

“The new party naturally attracted the attention of the entire State and the country, particularly the authorities in New Delhi, when in July 1977, it raised the merger issue and demanded a “review” of Sikkim’s status and its relations with India. In a memorandum, dated July 31, 1977, submitted to the Prime Minister, Morarji Desai, the SPC alleged that Sikkim’s merger with India was “illegal,” “unconstitutional” and against “the wishes of the Sikkimese people.”

“We had certainly not asked for merger with India which was imposed on us as a political trickery and debauchery, for, no one, however meek or small, have ever, in the entire history of the world, signed away his country as has been made to appear to have been done by Sikkimese leaders. It was because of our excessive trust and confidence on the protector Government and their zealous officials, on whose shoulders the blame falls squarely, for the Annexation of Sikkim,” the forwarding letter to the Prime Minister said. It pointed out, “We regret that under pretext of ushering in democracy to fulfil ‘the wishes of the people’ India’s action in Sikkim seems to have been motivated solely with the object of annexing it and making it a part and parcel of India.”

  The memorandum, signed by party functionaries, including five SPC M.L.A.s – Khatiwada, Dugo Bhutia, Mohan Gurung, B.B. Mishra, and Karma Gompo Lama – stated, “The methods used by them were the age-old methods of imperialist nations of divide and rule, propagating false propaganda, creating an illusion that democracy was being introduced and democratic institutions were being strengthened for the benefit of the Sikkimese people, whereas, in reality, the trust of the simple and innocent people were being deceived, exploited and betrayed.”

(Ref: Sons of Sikkim: The Rise and Fall of the Namgyal Dynasty of Sikkim, Jigme N. Kazi, published October 2020)


Article 6




 Intuitions and impulses have a way of revealing our inner self if one attentively waits and listens to what they have to say. It takes its own time to speak to you. It chooses its own unique and peculiar ways to give the message. One must be ready to listen to the inner voice and willing to abide by its promptings.

   And slowly and gradually I became aware of what really prompted me to submit my resignation to the SPCC(I) chief on August 25, 2004. It may not be the only reason but it certainly was one of the main reasons for my sudden decision to quit public life.

   The failure of Sikkim’s political leadership, dominated by Sikkimese Nepalese, on the long-pending demand on restoration of the political rights of the people through reservation of seats in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly, has already been highlighted in this book in the preceding chapters. There is no point in repeating it. However, what needs to be emphasized is the role of the younger generation of Sikkimese Nepalese leaders in the Congress party as far as our political rights are concerned.

   Without naming them many of them were not comfortable working under Bhandari in the Congress party. In fact, they preferred another person to head the Congress party in Sikkim. These were also the same persons who suffered under both Bhandari and Chamling’s rule. Some of them in the past so many years have taken their stand in safeguarding the distinct identity of Sikkim and the Sikkimese while voicing their concern on erosion of democratic values in the State.

   Ever since the SSP-Cong merger in August 2003 I expected and wanted this particular group within the Congress party to take the lead in not only revamping the party but also in asserting their leadership with the objective of forming the government one day and providing good governance and thereby safeguarding our special status within the Union.

   But it gradually dawned on me that this group, who were young, educated and had some political experience, was sadly falling far below my expectation. It is one thing to make occasional headlines in the local media for the right cause but quite another to wage a prolonged war against vested interests on behalf of the people. Most of them were from the upper-caste Nepalese community and were expected to put up a better show than the more older politicians from the majority community.

   In private, this group thought highly of themselves and aspired to replace Bhandari not only from the Congress leadership but from the leadership of the Nepalese community as a whole in the State. However, in public they fell far short of their own expectations and aspirations. They neither let Bhandari do his job nor were they able to replace him or do whatever was necessary. This was the situation before, during and after the Assembly polls in May 2004.

   By now I was convinced that Sikkim had no future under those whom I reposed so much faith and hope. “My stars have fallen,” I used to tell some of them, indicating that they had neither the capability nor the commitment to lead Sikkim to a better future. When I became increasingly aware of their lack of direction and commitment for the common cause and their constant involvement in petty politics I chose to quit politics altogether. There was no point in staying on and wasting my time in politics when even the enlightened and politically active leaders of the majority community did not share my conviction and commitment.

   Though the circumstances that I faced in June-August 2004 were different from what I experienced in mid-2000, when the Assembly seat resolution came up in the Assembly, the situation and the issues involved were very much the same. Is the Sikkimese Nepalese leadership in the State committed to preserving the distinct identity of Sikkim and the Sikkimese within the Union under Article 371F of the Constitution or is it only paying lip-services to it to win votes?

   “If freedom is humiliated or in chains today, it is not because her enemies had recourse to treachery. It is simply because she has lost her natural protector...Freedom is the concern of the oppressed, and her natural protectors have always come from the oppressed.” (Camus)

   If tomorrow I choose to brace myself for yet another long-drawn battle for the right cause I know who my natural friends and enemies are.

   And though I did not make any mention of this issue publicly when I finally quit politics and the Press these were the main factors that prompted me to hand over my resignation to the Congress party chief in the summer of 2004. Political and professional life in Sikkim have no real meaning for me if we cannot embrace all communities and unite them towards a common destiny where peace, unity, harmony, freedom, democracy and the rule of law reign supreme.

   The fact that nobody really made any serious approaches to me on these issues during my three-and-half-year-long (2004-2007) self-imposed exile proved beyond any shadow of doubt that there was nobody who really and truly cared for Sikkim and the Sikkimese people and for justice, freedom, democracy and the rule of law to triumph in Sikkim. Even those who flirted with me politically for a brief while when I re-emerged from my hideout in 2007-8 have prooved themselves to be unfaithful allies and a liability for the Sikkimese cause.

   People make choices in life and they will either succeed or suffer from the choices they make. I chose to differ, to dissent and thereby suffered from the choices I made for over a quarter of a century. My works are reflected in the pages of my books which I have been able to complete during my exile in my own homeland. I hope that the dreamsthat I set out to fulfill will one day be reflected in the hearts and perhaps in the works of those who believe in the righteousness of our cause.

   I have lived out my dreams.I have paid my debt.  I am a free man now.

(Ref: The Lone Warrior: Exiled in My Homeland, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications, 2014)

Article 5




 Madan Mohan Rasaily was the next main target of the pro-India elements in Sikkim. As Secretary and Auditor General of the Sikkim Government, Rasaily was perhaps one of the Chogyal’s most able and trusted among the senior officials. That he belonged to the majority Nepali community added a new dimension to his proximity to the Chogyal. Not only was Rasaily a prominent member of the ‘Study Forum’ – viewed by observers as Sikkim’s think-tank – but was also a regular fixture at the Palace. Rasaily not only accompanied the Chogyal to Kathmandu along with Jigdal Densapa but had also filed a petition in the Central Court of Gangtok, challenging New Delhi’s dictatorial role in Sikkim.

    The petition challenged the validity of section 30 of the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, which stated that Sikkim may request the Government of India to “seek participation and representation of the people of Sikkim in the political institutions of India.” The constitution suit – filed against the Chief Executive, the Chief Minister, and the Sikkim Assembly – also challenged all provisions of the Tripartite Agreement of May 8, 1973, the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, and the Constitution (35th Amendment) Act of 1974 of the Indian Parliament, which made Sikkim an Associate State of India.

   Having almost exhausted all political options to stop the merger, the Chogyal and anti-merger leaders had no other alternative but to approach the highest judicial forum in the kingdom to seek justice. The movement for a more democratic set-up in Sikkim also included the demand for an independent judiciary. Therefore, much hope was pinned on Rasaily’s petition. There was much jubilation in the capital when the interim injunction, sought against the election of two members of the Sikkim Assembly to the Indian Parliament, was granted by the Central Court Judge, Tarachand Harimol, on March 29, 1975.

   Rasaily’s petition and the interim order had an electrifying effect among anti-merger forces in Sikkim. It made the pro-merger groups feel more insecure and apprehensive about their future role in the kingdom. They felt that even the judiciary was harping on its independence and, therefore, not giving the desired support and cooperation to Lal to complete India’s design in Sikkim. What made things worse was the decision of the Chief Judge of the High Court at Gangtok, S.K. Prasad, to allow the release of six persons jailed on December 6, 1974 for alleged attempts to assassinate Kazi.

   The Choygal stoutly backed the judges and opposed Lal’s attempts to denigrate the independence of the judiciary in Sikkim, “I am irrevocably committed to a full responsible government for my people, and it would be my sacred duty to ensure that the judiciary remains truly independent. I am not adverse to any essential changes in order to strengthen, but not to reduce, the independence of the judiciary.” 1

   Datta-Ray describes the hearing of Rasaily’s petition in the court on March 29, 1975, “The first hearing of these two cases was on 29 March. Harimol had not had time to study the constitutional points raised in Rasaily’s 18-page application. Ananda Bhattacharyya, the government advocate representing Lal, Kazi, and the other defendants, also said he would like some time; he, therefore, agreed to the judge’s plan for an interim order to maintain status quo until both had been able to examine the submission. But Bhattacharyya was suddenly called out of the courtroom just as the order was about to be issued; he returned a few minutes later with an application signed by some of the defendants, opposing an interim injunction and requesting adjournment. Harimol ignored the advocate’s second thoughts, and dictated an order restraining the assembly for the time being from sending MPs to New Delhi or discussing the Chogyal and his relatives.” 2 Lal and Kazi were asked to file their objections by April 28, the date fixed for final order.

   Delhi’s reaction to the Chogyal’s defiance and Harimol’s straightforwardness was swift and decisive. It took the unilateral liberty of interpreting the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, and placed the Chief Executive as the supreme authority in Sikkim’s judiciary. Harimol was forced to take leave, and he left for New Delhi on April 10, 1975. Meanwhile, the Sikkim Assembly passed a resolution maintaining that the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, was the highest law of the land and its validity could not be challenged in any court of law. 3 The Sikkim Congress press note said, “…the provisions of the Tripartite Agreement of May 8, 1973, and the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, are the paramount law of the land to which all authorities in Sikkim – the legislative, the executive and the judiciary – are subordinate and its validity cannot be challenged in any court of law in Sikkim.” 4

    These developments put an abrupt end to Rasaily’s petition, and all legal means to safeguard Sikkim’s separate identity came to a grinding halt. Harimol described the period as “the complete collapse of the administration of justice, in a way most humiliating and distressing.” 5 In his 14-page note, titled “Now It Can Be Told,” to the Janata Government headed by Prime Minister, Morarji Desai, two years later in April 1977, Harimol wrote, “The lighthouse was damaged and demolished with contempt which it never deserved. About two days later, (in early April, perhaps on April 2 or 3 – author) I was called by the chief executive on the pretext of discussing and drawing up a scheme for the appointment of some civil judicial officers. But his main target was the ad interim order dated March 29 in the civil suit (Rasaily’s two petitions).”

   He added, “In a tone arrogant and insulting, he asked me why I had passed even such an apparently innocuous order and not adjourned the matter. Little did he know that it was judicial order and not an administrative one. Any such interference could entail serious consequences. But the judiciary is powerless if ignored by the executive. It was the most humiliating experience in my life as a judge. Little did he realise that it was not an insult to me, but he was trying to debase the institution and its value. I must admit I could not stand it. I told the chief executive that I would not continue in office and would submit my resignation immediately. But it appeared he did not want that. He intended to humiliate the judiciary further. My resignation could have possibly created some public stir there or in India. The chief executive abruptly changed his mood, spoke a few kind words and persuaded me not to put in my resignation.”

(Ref: Sons of Sikkim: The Rise and Fall of the Namgyal Dynasty of Sikkim)


Article 4




   The Foreward to my first book, Inside Sikkim: Against the Tide, was written by my friend and colleague, Ranjit Devraj, then working for the United News of India (UNI) in Sikkim.

   "Inside Sikkim: Against The Tide is a journalist’s record of a heroic attempt to keep the flag of the Fourth Estate flying in a remote and difficult part of the country. Jigme N. Kazi’s trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs afford a remarkable test case for the “Freedom of the Press” in a natural environment setting rather than in the hothouses of the metropolises. At the same time, it brings into focus the carrot-and-stick mechanism to which media practitioners find themselves subjected to in many developing democracies.

   Democracy is a big word in Sikkim – in many ways bigger than in other states of the Indian Union. For, it was in the name of democracy that a protectorate monarchy was abolished and Sikkim absorbed with so much fanfare in 1975. But, did the merger actually bring democracy to Sikkim? If it did, it could not have come in any guise better than the travesty which passes for that great ideal in India. In the event, every ill that plagues the polity of the mother country is somehow exaggerated in Sikkim as if in some burlesque.

   Take corruption. Bureaucrats and politicians get away with greased palms everywhere, but what happens in Sikkim has to be seen to be believed. And if that government governs best which governs least, Sikkim must be the worst governed of places. For its outsized government overshadows everything. Big Brother-like, in a tiny State of some 400,000 souls – comparable to many small towns. In their anxiety to make Sikkim India’s 22nd State, the architects of the merger foisted entire ministries, secretariats, departments, a High Court and every possible trapping of paan-stained babudom on the unlikely setting of serene snow-capped peaks. Naturally, much of the Central funding meant for development was swallowed up by the monster of an unproductive government. As people sought sinecures, native skills such as in woodcraft, weaving and horticulture died out, making dependence on the jealous and unforgiving monster complete.

   With little incentive to be productive the government, instead of being a catalyst for development, became a mere distributor of Central largesse – either as salaries and benefits to supplicant employees or through contracts to the favoured. It did not take long for Sikkim to turn into a breeding ground par excellence for that pernicious sort of vested interest that both feeds and feed on tyranny.

   A case so bad that the Assembly elections of November 1989 could be brazenly rigged to grab each and every one of the seats and the results claimed as a sign of popularity of leadership entering its third straight term. A lid was swiftly put on public protest. Representatives of the National Press, who witnessed the farce, such as myself, were told to leave in no uncertain terms. Jigme’s attempts to keep his highly credible Sikkim Observer going in the months after such enormity was like the proverbial battle between the elephant and the ant.

   Inside Sikkim: Against The Tide is much more than a journalist’s log. It is a status report on politics in Sikkim half a generation into the merger. It chronicles the role of crusty old Indian civil servants who, long after the departure of the British, got their chance to do a Colonial Blimp on a helpless little principality, complete with the bullying, obfuscation and “fair-play.” The mess they left behind is tangible in the multi-storeyed buildings that crowd each other off the Gangtok hillsides as the excrescence of diverted funds. Also in the abject misery of the people the funds were diverted from – presenting Indian-style ‘development’ at its worst.

   The book appears at a critical juncture in the history of the Indian Union and in the shorter history of Sikkim as a member. At a time when serious questions are being raised on Kashmir’s legally-correct accession to India, the annexation of Sikkim does not even have a fig leaf. China is yet to accord recognition for the merger of this strategic trip of high ridges with which it has a border as also has two other countries. More pressingly Sikkim has become a natural destination for millions of uncategorised Nepalese-speaking people pouring into the North Indian terai, Bhutan and the Assam valley and altering the demographics. What such a large floating group can do to tiny Sikkim with its minuscule population does not require any great feat of imagination.

   Internally, Sikkim is in political turmoil whether or not the National Press has the time or space to report it. With Assembly elections only a year away opposition groups are once again braving political repression and custodial atrocities to take their popular protests into the streets – even violently. After New Delhi’s tame acquiescence to the outrageous rigging of the November 1989 Assembly polls, they have been left to their own devices – feeble grassroots workers fighting unabashed perfidy.

   But, forgotten in the games being played out on the far Himalayan slopes are the interests of the indigenous Lepchas, Bhutias, Limbus, Rais and genuine Sikkimese Nepalese, clamouring for what was promised to them on merger – protection from being submerged. More than anything else, Inside Sikkim: Against The Tide is the articulation of that clamour."


Ranjit Devraj


United News of India (UNI)


(Ref: Inside Sikkim: Against the Tide, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications, 1993. The book was released at the Press Club of India, New Delhi, by former External Affairs Minister of India, K. Natwar Singh, in 1993.)


Article 3




KC Pradhan and LD Kazi

   Former Chief Minister and chief architect of Sikkim’s merger with India, Kazi Lhendup Dorji Khangsarpa, and former Minister of the Kazi Cabinet, Krishna Chandra Pradhan, have demanded that only Sikkimese candidates belonging to the three ethnic communities of the State should be allowed to contest Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the State. They have also demanded a thorough revision of the electoral rolls on the basis of the 1974 voters list, which informed sources said, had the names of only bonafide Sikkimese possessing genuine Sikkim Subjects Certificate.

   In their memorandum submitted to the Election Commissioner, GVG Krishnamurthy, in Gangtok this week, the two leaders also demanded imposition of President’s rule in the State prior to the coming elections. This was necessary for conducting a free and fair polls in the State, they said.

   The two merger veterans said they had earlier demanded extensive revision of the electoral rolls on the basis of the 1974 list, which was prepared prior to Sikkim becoming an Associate State of India. They alleged the recent “Special Revision” is “not in the interest of the public in general and the Sikkimese voters in particular.” Only supporters of the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front have been included in the revised list, the memorandum stated.

   Kazi and Pradhan have demanded the setting up of a special team of officers to revise the voters list so that names of genuine voters are not left out. While opposing exercise of “dual franchise” by voters the two leaders have said those who belong to other States must produce no-objection certificates if they want their names to be included in the State’s voters list.

   Reiterating their demand for seat reservation in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly for the Sikkimese people only, the two leaders said while “non-Sikkimese” may exercise their franchise in the State only bonafide Sikkimese belonging to the three ethnic communities – Lepchas, Bhutias and Nepalese – should be allowed to contest from the 32 seats in the House.

   “As per provisions made in the Article 371F of the Constitution only ethnic communities of Sikkimese should be allowed to stand for election. While other non-Sikkimese may exercise their franchise in choosing their representatives for the Sikkim Assembly provided their names are included in the voter’s list and they are in possession of the identity cards issued by the Election Commission.”

(Ref: Sikkim Observer, May 29-June 4, 1999 and Sikkim For Sikkimese: Distinct Identity Within The Union, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications, 2009)

Article 2




   One of the major unresolved issues of the former Kingdom of Sikkim, now a part of India, is the Gurudongmar Lake controversy, which is also connected to the establishment of a Gurudwara, near a historic Buddhist site at Chungthang, North Sikkim.

   My book, The Lone Warrior: Exiled in My Homeland (published in 2014), gives a background to the controversy.

   Ever since the closure of the Indo-Tibet border in North Sikkim in 1962 local residents of the region, particularly in far-flung areas of Lachen and Lachung, have learnt to tolerate and get along with the growing presence and clout of the Indian army in the region. The peaceful co-existence between the two groups in the past so many decades has always been mutually beneficial.

   However, there are times when even the best of relations are soured by mutual disrespect and unfriendly postures. The deteriorating relations between army personnel and local residents bordering on hatred and bitterness was evidenced in 1997-98 when a zealous chief of 20 Punjab Regiment made concerted efforts to convert the holy lake of Gurudongmar, a sacred pilgrimage centre for Buddhists in Lachen, North Sikkim, into a Sikh pilgrimage destination.

   Matters reached a dizzying height of confrontation when the Lachen Pipon, head of the Lachen Dzomsa – the traditional assembly of the people – openly and quite defiantly, refuted allegations made by the army that the Lachenpas supported the army’s bid to construct a Gurudwara, a Sikh temple, at the lake’s vicinity.

   “We wish to point out that at no point of time that the local people of Lachen had requested the army to construct anything at the premises of the holy lake, leave alone the Gurudwara shrine.  Furthermore, let me as an elected representative of the people of Lachen state clearly that it is neither in their interest nor the aspiration of the local people to let anyone destroy the sanctity of this lake,” said the Lachen Pipon, Anung Lachenpa, in a statement published in the Observer in April 1998.

   The Pipon also pointed out: “Construction of a shrine belonging to another religion in the name of national integration at our holy place of worship and pilgrimage does not reflect the hopes and aspirations of the Lachenpas and other local people who visit the area.” He also urged the “concerned authorities”, which included the State Government, to “rectify the mistakes” and restore the “original look and sanctity of the Gurudongmar Tso area.”

   The first party to raise objections to construction of the “highest Gurudwara on earth” (Gurudongmar is located at 17,200 ft. above sea level) was the Forests Department, which alleged that the project was carried out without the mandatory clearance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Besides the concrete construction of the Gurudwara shrine four huts and a parking area were also built on the shores of the lake. Apart from the ecological damage done to the area, which boasts of being a home of some rare and endangered birds and animals such as Blacknecked Crane and Kiang or Tibetan Wild Ass, the locals viewed the renaming of the Gurudongmar Tso as Guru Nanak Jheel, an obvious bid to dilute and gradually erase the unique and distinct Buddhist cultural heritage of the former Buddhist kingdom.

   Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, quoting Guru Rinpoche (Lord Padmasambhava, widely revered as the Second Buddha), point out that Sikkim is one of the seven sacred and hidden lands for Buddhists in the Himalaya. Except for Sikkim, all others are said to be in Tibet, where religious freedom has been curtailed after the Chinese takeover in 1959. Locals believe that when Guru Rinpoche visited Sikkim in the 8th century he blessed the lake and thereafter it came to be known as “Gurudongmar Tso”, meaning Guru with red face or red-face Guru (‘guru’ means master/teacher, ‘dong’ means face and ‘mar’ means red).

   It is possible that Guru Rinpoche manifested at the lake in the form of Gurudongmar or Gurudrakpo (Gurdak in short form), which is one of the main aspects of the tantric master who established Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayan region in the 8th century. Gurudramar – the red-face deity of Guru Rinpoche – is one of the main protecting deities of several important monasteries in Sikkim, including Lachen and Pemayangtse monasteries. It was the same deity who appeared to the ancestors of Sikkim’s ruling Namgyal dynasty in a vision in the 13th century, instructing them to go southwards to ‘Bayul Demazong’, the ‘hidden valley of rice’, meaning Sikkim.

   The conversion of the area around the sacred rock in Chungthang in North Sikkim, enroute to Lachen and Lachung – also said to have been blessed by Guru Rinpoche – into Guru Nanak Jheel, has also been opposed by the locals. There exists a Gurudwara besides the sacred rock and the entire area is fenced and renamed “Guru Nanak Jheel.” Many influential local politicians, contractors and suppliers, who benefit financially and otherwise from their dealings with the army, discourage locals from raising issues, including religious matters, that would go against the army.

   The Green Circle, one of the few credible NGOs (non-governmental organization) in the State devoting to preserving the fragile eco-system in the State, while reacting against the army’s “blatant undermining of local culture and total disregard for a fragile and threatened ecosystem” in the Gurudongmar controversy, in a statement published in the Observer (Feb 1998) said: “As you are aware, the Gurudongmar lake is not only one of the most beautiful lakes of Sikkim but also held sacred by the locals. The army, because of its proximity and influence over these area cannot go about misrepresenting facts. Such gradual and systematic distortion of history only serves to sow the seeds of discontent and tension for the present and future generations…Construction of a permanent structure at 17,200 feet with marble, chandeliers and works is totally uncalled for and changing the surface of the lake by moving earth to create parking space is most deplorable. In an extremely sensitive ecosystem where even footprints stay for months, the army, we hope will take more responsibility and care of their environs which would be better served than find itself championing chauvinistic cultural imperialism.”

   Though rather late, the Chamling Government finally woke up and came to the people’s rescue and opposed army intervention in the Gurudongmar controversy. A committee, whose members included State Government officials, was set up by the government to investigate into the controversy and restore the lake area to its original glory.

(Ref: The Lone Warrior: Exiled in My Homeland, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications (published in 2014).


Article 1




   During Chogyal Palden Thondup’s rule, Sikkim demanded ‘revision’ of the 1950 Indo-Sikkim Treaty. In the past twenty years since the signing of the Treaty, India and Sikkim faithfully abided by the terms laid down in the Treaty. It is important to note that this Treaty came into existence a few years after India’s independence, when the mood of a section of the Sikkimese Nepalese, as portrayed by some of their leaders, was the desire for accession to India.

   Although the Treaty did not fully satisfy the demand for merger, it nevertheless bound Sikkim to India through the protectorate status. The Government of India took control over the external affairs of Sikkim, including defence and communications. Internal subjects such as political, economic and financial matters were largely left to the Sikkim Government.

   After Palden Thondup formally became the 12th Chogyal in 1965, he began raising the demand for revision of the 1950 Treaty. At a press conference in Gangtok on February 8, 1966, the Chogyal stated, “The Sikkim Government wants some changes in the treaty between India and Sikkim signed in 1950. We have mentioned this matter to the External Affairs Ministry in Delhi verbally.”

   Again, on January 16, 1967, Sikkim’s Executive Councillors, Netuk Tsering, B.B. Gurung and Nahakul Pradhan, in a statement said, “Since Sikkim signed the treaty with India, it was within her sovereign rights to demand its revision as one of the signatories…Every country has the inherent right to exist and maintain its separate identity and to review and revise its treaty obligations in the wake of the changing circumstances.” 

 Significantly, in the fourth general elections of March-April 1970, the Sikkim National Party (SNP), Sikkim State Congress (SSC) and Sikkim Janata Party (SJP) reiterated the demand for ‘revision’ of the 1950 Treaty during their election campaign. This development, while being appreciated at home, posed a threat to New Delhi. It clearly showed that the Sikkimese people and their leaders were united and unanimous in their demand for a more free and independent Sikkim.

   Pressure for revision of the Treaty was gradually placed on the Government of India and the Sikkim Durbar. “Revision” of the Treaty was another hazy word which had something to do with “mutual interest and compromise.” Whatever may be the motive behind this demand, it certainly had a touch of nationalistic fervour and the desire for greater freedom to run the affairs of the kingdom. By the end of the 1960s, there was a growing feeling of unity and oneness among the three ethnic communities of Sikkim on vital issues. This was a remarkable achievement for the Chogyal and the political leadership of Sikkim.

(Ref: Sons of Sikkim: The Rise and Fall of the Namgyal Dynasty of Sikkim, Jigme N. Kazi, Notion Press, 2020.)

Article 0




    LD Kazi and BB Gurung

   Ten years after his controversial move to declare ‘Prince’ Wangchuk the 13th Chogyal of Sikkim, Bhim Bahadur Gurung admitted that he had always felt uncomfortable and somewhat guilty at having been a party to the ‘selling of Sikkim’. Gurung saw the Chogyal’s death and his funeral on February 19, 1982, as a god-sent opportunity to expiate himself of the sins he had committed, and made attempts to ventilate his true feelings. In 1975, Gurung moved a resolution in the Assembly, abolishing “the institution of the Chogyal” and declaring Sikkim to be a “constituent unit of India”, thereby paving way for Sikkim to become the 22nd State of the Indian Union.

   “The guilt of having participated in the process of the merger has left a very deep and painful scar in my heart”, Gurung confided to me at his residence in Gangtok one afternoon in mid-1992. “By publicly acknowledging Prince Wangchuk to be the 13th Chogyal of Sikkim, I wanted to exonerate myself and get rid of this guilt,” Gurung explained. He revealed that he, then legislative leader of the Opposition, and his MLAs had made a controversial move in openly accepting Wangchuk as the 13th Chogyal of Sikkim on February 19, 1982, and thereby acknowledging the traditional process by which the Chogyals succeeded to the throne. If in 1975 Gurung was a party to the abolition of the Chogyal’s institution, in 1982 he more than made up for his past misdeeds by publicly acclaiming Wangchuk to be the 13th consecrated Chogyal of Sikkim and acknowledging the continuance of the Chogyals’ hereditary succession.

   Wangchuk’s response to his ‘crowning’ more than satisfied Gurung, who was ready to pay any price for his action, which was of great historical significance. In an interview to India Today after he was proclaimed the 13th Chogyal of Sikkim, Wangchuk stated: “It is not for me to proclaim myself the new Chogyal. It is for the people to accept and acknowledge me as the new Chogyal and you can see for yourself the support I have been shown by the people…We do have the custom of automatic succession that on the death of the Chogyal, the heir apparent becomes the new Chogyal.”

    “I was all prepared to face any consequence and was even ready to get arrested and face jail sentence,” Gurung pointed out to me, and added, “Even my family members were conscious of what I was doing and were prepared to face any eventuality.” Referring to the Chogyal’s “enthronement”, Gurung said the people expected Bhandari, who was then the Chief Minister, to back him. “But his handling of the situation showed that Bhandari’s patriotism was superficial,” Gurung explained.

   Gurung boasts that unlike some MLAs, he stuck to his stand and refused to compromise and withdraw his signature from the historic document submitted to Wangchuk on February 19. Sunanda K. Datta-Ray in his book – Smash and Grab: Annexation of Sikkim, describes Gurung as a “leading architect” and “prominent” among those who bartered away the Kingdom’s independence. Referring to Gurung’s opportunistic tendencies, the book adds: “In the distant past, Gurung had enthusiastically defended his King’s demand for independence; but he had recanted his loyalty to become one of New Delhi’s most loyal  adherents in Sikkimese politics.”

   Gurung’s nationalistic feelings surfaced when he was one of the three Executive Councillors of the Chogyal’s Sikkim Council way back in 1967, when the demand for revision of the Indo-Sikkim Treaty of 1950 by the Sikkimese, was worrying New Delhi. A joint statement on the Treaty revision issued by the three Executive Councillors – Netuk Tsering (Sikkim National Party), Nahakul Pradhan (Sikkim State Council), and B.B. Gurung (Sikkim National Congress) – on June 15, 1967, stated: “Since Sikkim signed the treaty with India, surely it is within her sovereign rights to demand a revision of the treaty as one of the signatories. In fact, Sikkim gained her Sovereign Status on the 15th August, 1947, when India achieved her independence from the British rule. Every country has its inherent right to exist and maintain its separate identity and, therefore, to review and revise its treaty obligations in the wake of changing circumstances.”

   Though Gurung’s political actions in the past may have been motivated by occasional nationalistic feelings, his confession about his attempt to atone himself of the political sins he had committed during the merger era, reflected the painful experience and the burden of guilt that all merger veterans have had to live with.

(Ref: Inside Sikkim: Against the Tide, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications, 1993)

Article 3




 Lamten village in Lachen valley, north Sikkim, looked liked this in the 1950s and early 1960s.  

   I wasn’t prepared mentally or professionally to come back to settle in Sikkim in 1972. But at the end of 1982, I was. Though I had no idea of what I would be doing in Sikkim, I was convinced that I’d be doing what I wanted to do and not what someone else, including my parents, wanted me to do. By and large, most parents in Sikkim want their children to join government service. “Government service” is carved on the foreheads of every school-going children and their parents in Sikkim. My parents were no different, and though they could not tell me directly, I felt that they, particularly my father, wanted me to be in the government.        

   They naturally wanted a smooth and secure life. This is understandable in a place like Sikkim where people depend on the government for almost everything. To many, being placed in positions of authority, spelt success and status. But I had my own mind and held strong views on many things. What was important to me was not social status but social service, not what position one holds in society but what kind of person one really is. I had my way.

   However, I did apply for a government job at first. But this was basically a stop-gap arrangement. I knew I would be coming back to Sikkim for good at the end of 1982 and it was important that I get some sort of employment as soon as I reached Gangtok. In mid-1982, I applied for a job in the Labour Department where there was a post vacant at the under-secretary level. I felt that if I got the job it would at least help me financially at the initial stage. This would enable me to hang around for a while and get the feel of the place before I quit government service and start something on my own.

  But what I really wanted to do when I came back home was to go straight to my village in Lachen in north Sikkim and live there for at least two years. I had a strange and enlightening experience in Lachen in the winter of 1975-76. For the first time in my life, I started viewing the life-style of the village folks in Lachen in a different way. I felt a deep and warm appreciation of everything I saw – the people, their dress, mannerism, customs, language, places and everything which was a part of my village. I knew that it was only a matter of time when ‘civilisation’ would break in and put an end to its rich and unique life-style, which has been carefully preserved down the centuries.

    Unlike other places in Sikkim, the people of Lachen and Lachung, who live in the extreme north, are of pure Bhutia stock and have a rare and unique cultural identity of their own. Besides observing every aspect of life in Lachen and recording it, I myself had a strong desire to live and experience the life there once again. I felt unsatisfied at having spent only a few years of my childhood in Lachen and I still wanted to spend more time there.

The Sikkim Dewan, Nari Rustomji (second from right), with Lachen Pipons – Cho Ledon and Cho Kunga Rinchen (right) – and senior lamas of Lachen monastery and senior teacher Lopon Dochung (left), in Lachen, 1956-57.     

    This feeling has lasted all along, and when I went back to teach in MH in 1976 I kept a live interest on Sikkim’s history and its cultural heritage, which was gradually vanishing. I still have not been able to spend much time in Lachen as I had hoped. Perhaps there is a time for everything under the sun and I anxiously wait for the day when I can go back to the land where I was born and where I spent my childhood days. But the sad thing is that many of the older folks, whose company I would have enjoyed and who could also have given me invaluable information about Lachen, have passed away in the past several years, including my two grandfathers – Cho Dorji Lobon, the head lama of Lachen monastery, and Cho Chozila, an important and well-respected elder of the village, for whom I had great love, affection and admiration.

Cho Chozila

   Beside extracting authentic information from them, I have always wanted to be close to them and live with them for some time. Both of them passed away in mid-1992. This was a personal tragedy for me and my family and an irreparable loss to our village.            

    Unfortunately, two more influential elders of Lachen, Cho Wangchuk and Cho Pawo, passed away this year. Their passing away symbolised the end of an era that had been a part of the old Lachen and my childhood memories which I deeply miss and cherish.

   One of the few things in life which I regret most is my failure to spend some time in Lachen with my people. My newspaper work and my commitment as a journalist kept me away from my people. Bringing out the Observer has really been a one-man-show all the way and if it hadn’t been for that I could have made frequent trips to Lachen and spend a few weeks there at a stretch from time to time. But perhaps everything has its own time and I didn’t want to rush and he out of tune with life. I would have loved to lived the life of an ordinary villager in Lachen for a few years for the sheer joy and fun of it. It is only when we live our lives fully and completely that we are able to give as much as we want to receive.

(Ref: Inside Sikkim: Against The Tide, Jigme N. Kazi, Hill Media Publications, 1993)


Article 2




The former Chief Minister, Kazi Lhendup Dorji Khangsarpa, said if the Centre does not honour the terms of the merger and fails to protect the distinct regional identity of Sikkim, new developments may take place in the strategically located mountain State of Sikkim, which merged with the Indian Union one and half decade back.

   Stating that the former Himalayan kingdom’s merger with India was conditional, the ageing Kazi, who is now 88, said in a Press statement that Sikkim had merged with the Indian Union in 1975 under the terms and conditions of the May 8 Agreement, 1973. Referring to the pre-merger period, the Kazi said Sikkim joined the Indian Union on the basis of the Agreement signed between the Chogyal of Sikkim, the Government of India and the leaders of political parties in Sikkim.

   The merger took place in 1975 when the Sikkimese people were convinced that the “rights and interests of the various sections of the people” in Sikkim would be fully protected by the Government of India, the Press release issued by the Kazi said. But if the spirit of the merger is not respected and if the “rights and interests” of the three ethnic communities (Lepchas, Bhutias and Nepalese) are not protected, as laid down in the Agreement, “new developments” may take place in Sikkim which the Centre cannot afford.

   The Kazi has appealed to the Centre as well as the State Government to give “top priority” to maintain communal harmony and preserve the “distinct regional identity of Sikkim” within the Union. This, he said, can only be done by providing “adequate safeguards” to the three ethnic groups in Sikkim.

   “I was the one who brought democracy to Sikkim and I want the people to enjoy the fruits of democracy”, the Kazi told reporters at his Kalimpong residence earlier this week. However, the “democratic aspirations” of the people have not been met and the “growth of democracy and democratic institutions” in Sikkim “suffered a setback”, the Press statement said. The Kazi is now fully convinced that the Centre is neglecting the State after absorbing it into the mainstream. Stating that the country cannot afford to have “hostile border states at this juncture”, Kazi said “every effort should be made to keep the unity of the Sikkimese people and to safeguard the sovereignty of the nation.” It may be mentioned that prior to the merger political rights of the Sikkimese were fully protected through reservation of seats in the Assembly for all the three ethnic communities.

   Unfortunately, four years after the, merger the Indian Parliament abolished the seats reserved for the Sikkimese Nepalese while reducing seats reserved for the minority Bhutia-Lepchas, who were declared ‘scheduled tribes’ in 1978. Today, the Centre is yet to fulfil the demand on restoration of Assembly seats of the Nepalese. The Chief Minister, Mr. N.B. Bhandari, has been pursuing the demand for restoration of seats for the Sikkimese Nepalese for over a decade. The move to reduce seats reserved for the tribals and to do away with one seat reserved for the Sangha, coupled with the Centre’s refusal to restore the lost seats of the Nepalese, is seen as an act of betrayal by the Centre and an attempt to gradually cause divisions amongst the people and to destroy the unique and distinct cultural identity of Sikkim.

   It is significant that the Kazi has come out with a strong statement defending the rights of the Sikkimese at a time when various parties are reportedly playing devious roles regarding restoration of Assembly seats for the Sikkimese, including Sikkimese Nepalese. While some people want reduction of seats reserved for the minority Bhutia-Lepcha tribals others are opposing demand for restoration of Assembly seats of the Sikkimese Nepalese. The seat issue, which is a major issue for Sikkim, is now pending before the constitution bench in the Supreme Court.

   Rampant corruption and communal politics are threatening to tear the unity of the Sikkimese people, the Kazi pointed out and added that Sikkim’s future was “dark”. “Despite knowing what is happening in Sikkim the Centre continues to ignore the plight of the Sikkimese people. I, as an architect of the merger and as the first Chief Minister of Sikkim, am fully convinced that what is happening in Sikkim needs to be looked into it carefully by the Government of India,” the release said.

   “If the Centre continues to ignore the real issues and problems faced by the people and if political parties and vested interests work against the long-term interest and unity of the Sikkimese people there is every likelihood of new thinking amongst the people regarding their future”, the Kazi warned.

(Ref: Sikkim Observer, January 26, 1991.)

NB: Sikkim Observer, a weekly English published from Gangtok from August 1986 by Jigme N. Kazi, has ceased publication since 2014 due to unfavourable situations in Sikkim).


Article 1




 Talks between the Palace and the leadership of the Sikkim Congress headed by Pradhan led to a dramatic development within the ruling party. It culminated in the passing of a controversial resolution aimed at safeguarding Sikkim’s separate identity – symbolised by the Chogyal and the national flag – and reducing the powers of the Chief Executive.

KC Pradhan

   In a letter dated March 12, 1975 to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, twenty-nine of the thirty-two legislators (excluding Kazi, Khatiwada and Kalzang Gyatso of the Sikkim National Party), demanded that the Chief Executive be stripped from his powers and be made an adviser to the Sikkim Government in the “interests of smooth running of the administration and consonant with the dignity and prestige of the Sikkimese people,” transfer of three portfolios, vis. Home, Finance and Establishment from the Chief Executive to the Chief Minister; and removal of non-extension services of Indian officers who were in Sikkim on deputation.

(Left to Right) Rinzing Tongden Lepcha, B.S. Das and K.C. Pradhan.

   The resolution, while welcoming the Chogyal’s initiative on holding a “dialogue with the Chief Minister,” demanded the removal of three Indian offficers-on-duty (OSDs) – Jayanta Sanyal, K.M. Lal, and Davy Manavalam – who played a vital role in favour of Kazi during this period.

    Unfortunately, Lal got hold of the document containing the 6 resolutions when only 18 Assembly members had signed. In the House of 32, only 17 members were needed to rectify past mistakes. Datta-Ray writes, “He (Lal) realised how explosive it could be. The men who were constantly being lauded in India as Sikkim’s first freely elected representatives, and as the Chogyal’s implacable enemies, the very leaders New Delhi was using as a human battering-ram against the palace, had given notice of their intention of going their own way. They did not want the chief executive or his lieutenants. They wanted full governing powers.” He adds, “They were even prepared to come to terms with the Chogyal. If their demands reached the press or Parliament, Mrs. Gandhi’s government K.C. Pradhan

would stand vindicated by the very process it had fostered, and rejected by the men it was sponsoring. The conspiracy would have to be nipped in the bud if New Delhi were to save the achievements of the previous two years. More, the possibility of recurrence would firmly have to be ruled out. That could only be done by removing the totems of Sikkim’s separate identity – flag, distinctive number plates, freedom from Indian taxes, PO, chief executive and the Chogyal; everything, in fact, that remained of a kingdom protected by treaty even if it was called an associate state.”

  Pradhan later (in 1990s) maintained that it was his Cabinet colleague, Rinzing Tongden Lepcha, who conspired with the Chief Executive and mischievously betrayed the Sikkimese people. According to him, Lepcha visited Pradhan’s residence at Development Area in Gangtok, swore that he would keep the resolution document a top secret, and took all the four copies of the six-point resolution, including the original. He then promptly handed over the documents to Lal, who knowing that the plot was chalked out at Kazi’s residence in Gangtok, promised him the Chief Minister’s post.


(Ref: Sons of Sikkim: The Rise and Fall of the Namgyal Dynasty of Sikkim, Jigme N. Kazi, Notion Press, 2020.)

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